Servants Press
Excerpt -- Locutions to the World  -- Volume Two
June 9, 2012
348. A Woman in Travail

     How many miles the human race must still walk before time ends and all history is completed.  My Son, Jesus, will determine that moment because the Father has given him all authority.  Jesus must wait until all the places in heaven are filled according to the Father’s plan.
     In the meantime, I am a Woman who is in labor, bringing forth my children into the eternal day of life everlasting. My birth pangs are not over. I am still in travail until all is accomplished. Even if this is for centuries and centuries, I will be here, bringing all my children to new life.
     Now, the hour is dark and many do not possess eternal life. For them, my sufferings are in vain. They will be stillborn and I will suffer the greatest sorrow of a mother, to dream about new life and then to see it slip from my fingers.
     This is my sorrow. How many tears I shed. Earthly mothers gave them earthly life. But, I am a heavenly mother and I cannot force heavenly life upon them. I speak. I explain. I urge. But, the person must embrace me.
     This is the great difference between earthly and heavenly life. No one chooses to come to earth, but everyone must choose to come to heaven. The decision is made only by you.
     O reader, heavenly life is yours, paid for by the death of my Son on the cross. To receive this life, you must choose Jesus Christ as your Lord. You must come to know him and to love him. You must receive his Holy Spirit and live according to his word. Then, you will possess new life, heavenly life.
     You will be a new person, a new creation. You will cast aside the things of darkness and live, even on earth, in great light. You will experience Jesus’ presence in your heart and live in a new world called “the kingdom.”
     I suffer for you. I am in travail for you. However, all is worth it if only you are born again to eternal life.
Mary weeps, not from the pain of childbirth but because so many are stillborn. 
She will do everything to bring us heavenly life.

June 10, 2012
349. The Divine Illumination

     I do not want the Church to spend its energy going around in circles or constantly getting off the path of true devotion. Coming to God, arriving in his presence and living in his face is meant to be clear and straightforward, available to all and easy to understand and accomplish.
     I, the Woman Clothed with the Sun, am God’s divine secret. My light is powerful and can be seen even in the greatest darkness. I do not want any soul to be lost. For this purpose, I shine this great light of my teachings.
     The soul must be right with God, honest and upright in the depth of its being. Catholic practice must not be on the surface. My light must pierce to the heart and people must accept the full light, even if it reveals their sins and failures.

A Piercing Light
     Often, when I speak of light, people think of it as a guiding light. That is too superficial. My light is a piercing light, going right to the heart, exposing all the darkness that claims every human heart. This is the problem of mankind. People walk in great, inner darkness and they do not seek the only light that can free them.
     In heaven, everyone is filled with light. All are purified. They see the great beauty of their souls. However, this glorious state only comes about by an infusion of divine light.
     This is my revelation. I am ready to pour out that divine light upon the whole world. I have already begun, in isolated cases. I will multiply this gift, especially among those who call on me and are somewhat acquainted with this experience.
     By this inner light, I will bring about great saints in great numbers. I must do this now. This is my plan to overcome the future darkness.
Mary is speaking of a special divine illumination. Some have already experienced this. 
She promises to make it more widespread.

June 14, 2012
340a. Mary’s Road

     Do not turn back from the road of trust and full confidence in me. No other path to life exists and great are the forces that would lead you off this road.
     First, there is the forbidden fruit of the world. To pick this, you must leave my road because nothing forbidden can be found on it. Second, there are your personal sins. When you walk this road your sins become evident to you. This clarity is given to you so you can seek forgiveness.   Then, you will rejoice in the goodness of this road.
     Third, there are the fears concerning the future. What will this road demand of you? Really, it is the easiest road, devoid of problems caused by your selfishness. And, I am there to help you.

No Compromise
     I cannot compromise this road. It is the narrow road that Jesus spoke about and invited his disciples to walk. I cannot change his road to accommodate your sins, but I can remove your sins so you can walk this road.
     This is where people turn back because they want their sins. They cling to their sins even though they cause so many problems.

To Sinners
     I do not speak now to the saints and to the devout. I speak to those who are mired in sin, to those who do not see themselves as devout or practicing their religion. I speak to all who have abandoned the faith of your childhood. I even speak to those deeply mired in the most serious of sins. Yes, I speak to all of you.
     You can walk my road. I want you on my road. Mine will be the joy of a mother who sees her child return home.
     You might not yet feel at home in a Church but you can feel at home in my heart. I want you there. That is where we will begin!
Mary speaks to a definite group of people, those who know they have wandered off. 
She wants them back and will do everything to get them back to herself.

June 15, 2012
341a. Receiving Jesus’ Heart

     Before true change comes about, man must put aside many concerns. Too many useless goals preoccupy his mind and capture his heart. As a result, he has no time and interest in the only goal that really matters, the salvation of his immortal soul.

Forgetting the Purpose
     He pushes this goal further and further away. What should be first, he makes last and eventually, finds no interest at all in eternal life. Man has forgotten the very purpose of his creation. He is called to live forever with God, but he forgets God. He can live forever in heaven, but he gives his heart totally to the goods of earth.
     How easily the human heart is trapped, pursuing goals of little worth – some pleasure here or some entertainment there. Soon, this becomes life’s purpose. The human heart filled with passing goals is an empty heart. It has nothing to show for all its great efforts. It has been diverted and detoured, far, far away from its true love. What can be done for the human heart?

The Great Gift
     O reader, to gain your heart for himself, my Son, Jesus, allowed his heart to be pierced. This was his final gift to man. Now, I reveal a great secret. Knowing the frailty of the human heart, Jesus offered his own heart. You can have Jesus’ heart. He wants to place his heart in every human person. This is eternal life. This is the Father’s plan. This is why I was asked to be the Mother of God. Jesus wanted a human heart, so he could love the Father with that heart and, then, give you that heart so you could love the Father.
     Just ask Jesus. Say, “Jesus, through Mary, give me your heart.” Slowly, his heart will fill your heart and his desires will replace your desires. This is eternal life.
Mary explains the problem. The human heart gets filled with useless goals. 
She describes the unbelievable gift. Jesus will give us his heart.