Servants Press
Excerpt from Locutions to the World, Volume One, Part 1

February 4, 2011
1. Keep Your Eye on Israel

     How long will it be? Keep your eye on Israel. This is the center. By keeping your eye on Israel you will get to know the time. Not exactly, but you will see it coming closer. The more danger there is to Israel, the closer the time will be.
     I love Israel and I love Jerusalem. In Jerusalem, I shed my blood, redeemed the world and rose from the dead. It is a sealed city, sealed in my blood and in my Holy Spirit. Even more than geography, I love the Jewish people. They are my people. But Jewish lips do not call out, “Jesus is our Messiah.” I like to hear these words from anyone’s lips. But I have my greatest joy when I hear those words from the lips of a Jew and from the lips of Israel. This is the deepest hope of my heart.
In these locutions, Israel takes center stage, both in the time frame
of events and in Jesus’ heart.

     I am a daughter of Israel and I dreamed of Israel gathered around the Messiah, for whom they had waited so long.
     But then, what did I experience? I saw Israel reject my Son, call him a false Messiah, reject his claims and nail him to the cross. But that was only my first sorrow as a daughter of Israel. After He rose from the dead and the apostles began to preach, I held new hopes. Certainly now, Israel would accept my Son as Messiah. Instead, I experienced a second rejection. My own people did not accept Him as their Messiah. Twice, I have been broken in heart. Twice, they have rejected Jesus as Messiah. But it will not happen a third time. I look forward to the day when all of Israel will proclaim my Son as Messiah.
     The moment of the greatest darkness is the moment before the greatest light. The very moment when it seems that Israel will be destroyed is the moment when I will save Israel and all will proclaim that Jesus is the Messiah. I have revealed the deepest sorrow of my heart.
Mary’s two-fold sorrow brings forth a promise that this time the result will be different. Israel’s moment of greatest darkness will be the moment when
Mary rescues Israel.

February 7, 2011
2. Seeing the Future of Israel

     As I stood at the table of the Last Supper, I saw Israel. All its future history unfolded before me, the destruction of the city by the Romans, the dispersal of Israel all over the world and the moment when the Jewish people would be invited to return, as the State of Israel was formed. As they returned, all rejoiced. However, they put their trust in their own strength, as their forefathers had done. They built weapons of war and rejoiced in these weapons. They were on the wrong road, being led down a path that led into the hands of their enemies, instead of withdrawing into the safety of my arms. Now, their enemies gather arms and the tide is shifting. Their protection drops away from them. There is terror on every side and still they do not turn to me.
     Centuries ago, the Father intervened on their behalf and sent me, hoping that all Israel would proclaim me as Messiah. But they killed me. What will the Father do now? He cannot send me again to die. So, He will send my Vicar, the Pope.
     The Pope will enter Jerusalem as I entered it. The city will already have suffered much and Israel will begin to despair, wondering what can be done. Then this figure clothed in white will come, sent by the Father just as He sent me. He will come to save Israel, just as I came. He, too, will die in Jerusalem but his death will have a profound effect upon the whole world. For the whole world will weep at his death and his death will bless Israel. Why do I reveal these things now? Why do I bring you to the center of the mystery so quickly? Because the time is short. The events are near. They are not far away.
Jesus describes what has happened since the State of Israel was formed and why it is now prey to so many enemies. Most important, the Holy Father goes to Jerusalem, dies
there, and a series of events begin that save Israel.

February 9, 2011
3. The Pope Dies in Jerusalem

     The Church came forth from Israel, like a child begotten by a mother, but Israel began to reject her own child. The soil rejected the fruit it had brought forth. Then came the saddest time of all. Israel and the Church were separated. Now they stand as distinct groups. The mother has rejected her child and the soil has rejected the roots that should have stayed within it.
     Peter was the apostle to the Jews and Paul always preached first in the synagogues. The word was preached and the roots tried to enter more deeply into the soil. However, they could not pierce its resistance. Without deeper roots, the plant could not stay long in its original soil.
     However, when the darkness comes and Israel is in distress, there will be a new moment. The Pope, the head of the Catholic Church, will go to Israel in its darkest hour and lay down his life for Israel. The eyes of many Jewish people will be opened. They will say, “We have been saved by the Catholic Church.” The soil will be open and receptive again to the original seed. My Church and my Jewish people will be joined as I have wanted them to be for centuries.
     As the Church’s roots are placed once more into its original Jewish soil, the other divisions of the churches will be healed because they happened due to this first division of the Church from the Synagogue.
     It will be clear to all the Christian Churches that there is a new call to unity, a call to unity at the roots and in the heart.
     Churches will see what they have never seen and do what they thought they would never do. Seeing the union of Israel and the Catholic Church, they will say, “We must be one.” All the barriers to unity, put up over the many centuries, will be swept away in one breath of the Spirit.
     There will be the ingathering prophesied by Isaiah. All the riches of the nations will come to Israel. This will be true wealth, the spiritual wealth of all the Churches gathering as one in Jerusalem with Israel and the Catholic Church. My prayer will be fulfilled, that all would be one as the Father and I are one.
     Also, the world will see something quite different, what they have never seen. They will see the Churches united and all the Churches united with Israel. The world will experience a powerful call to come out of darkness. The Church and Israel will be a light to all nations. The light will not be lessened or covered over by divisions of the Churches or divisions between the Churches and Israel. The world will not be able to escape the invitation. The unity will stand before them inviting them to accept Me as Lord.
This is extraordinary. The sacrificial death of the Pope leads to a full union between Israel and the Catholic Church which leads to a reunion of all of Christianity, planted again in the soil of Israel. This greater witness will confront the world with a more powerful invitation to accept Jesus Christ as Lord.

     A moment will come when I will take my beloved son, the Pope. I will walk with him to Jerusalem. For the second time I will go to Jerusalem to witness the death of a son.
     When this happens the eyes of the Jewish people will see for the first time. They will see in the Pope’s death what the Catholic Church has done for them. There will be no mistake about which Church has blessed them, because it will have been done by the head of the Church and by the greatest of sacrifices. Israel will embrace the Catholic Church.
     All Catholics will welcome Israel because all will have seen the decision of the Holy Father (the bishop dressed in white) to offer his life for Israel. The union between the Catholic Church and Israel will be a union of hearts brought about by the events that the whole world will have has seen and can never forget.
By the Pope’s death, Israel’s eyes will be opened to the Catholic Church and how Catholic hearts will be opened to Israel. Both happen from the same event.

February 11, 2011
4. The Valley of Decision

     After the events of Jerusalem and the unifying of the Church with Israel, I will call all the nations into the Valley of Decision. It does not need to be a physical valley because all the nations are already linked by communications. This Valley of Decisions will be a special moment in history.
     Just as Israel was in the moment of distress, so the world itself will be in a moment of complete helplessness. But I will gather the nations and there will be a new breath in the air, a new opportunity, when all the nations will be united into the light. Some nations will leave the Valley and return to darkness, but most will stay in the light. Armaments will be limited. Money will be spent on food. There will be international cooperation that has been sought by many but never brought about.
I will give these blessings to all the nations in the Valley of Decision as a free gift from my hands. There will be peace and a new springtime.
This shows the effects of these events upon world leaders at a moment when all the world is in distress. The crises are solved by heaven changing hearts of world leaders.
All of these locutions, extraordinary as they are, merely reveal the full effects of Lucy’s vision of the death of the Holy Father (July 13, 1917).

February 11, 2011
5. The Holy Spirit and the Immaculate Heart of Mary

     Why does the heavenly Father want to establish devotion to my Immaculate Heart?
Only in this way can there be an Age of the Spirit.
     The easiest way to understand the Holy Spirit is through my Immaculate Heart. My
Heart is the way of entering the Age of the Spirit. This will not be a final Age but will prepare for the Second Coming.
A Roman Catholic priest, spiritual director of the locutionist, has discerned these locutions to be authentic, but he reminds the reader that "these are private locutions and there is no need to believe them. If these revelations help your faith, then receive them. If not, set them aside.  We are called to believe only public revelations."